Vibration: The Third Hermetic Principle

Vibration: The Third Hermetic Principle

“Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates.” The Kybalion I’ve covered the first two Hermetic Principles in order – from the ALL-Mind, to the Correspondence that takes place within the ALL-Mind, and now let’s move on to the third principle–the constant vibration within the ALL-Mind. As I go through the 7 Hermetic Principles, I’ll focus on…

Correspondence: The Second Hermetic Principle

Correspondence: The Second Hermetic Principle

As above, so below; as below, so above. The Kybalion The principle of “correspondence” is probably the most popular and well-known Hermetic principle because of the popular axiom associated with it (quoted above). The meanings can be layered and applied to so many different things.  Universal Wisdom: Correspondence Through the Ages My first experience of…

Mentalism: The First Hermetic Principle

Mentalism: The First Hermetic Principle

Here’s the most important takeaway about the antiquity backing up the Kybalion’s first Hermetic Principle. Which the naysayers of the Kybalion and the Hermetic Principles ought to pay close attention to: The First Hermetic Principle is grounded deeply in cross-cultural mythological and religious representation, therefore defendable in myriad ways, which involve parting ways with mainstream…

The Kybalion and the 7 Hermetic Principles

The Kybalion and the 7 Hermetic Principles

Is the Kybalion Valid? The Kybalion is an issue that is hotly debated within Hermetic circles. The idea of a “Kybalion,” meaning “Key” to unlocking the obscure symbolism of the Hermetic writings, is claimed to have been an enduring oral tradition. Those who take what looks like a type of “purist” position, often rush to…